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 Life's Menagerie and its Photography 

 One Creation at a Time

My Camera Caught Behind the Lens

Each moment in life is precious. I carry my phone everywhere.

Life's a Splash

Watching Sunset and something JUMPED!

A Ridin'

First Riding Lesson in Years, took photos and painted landscape

Livvy in Negative

She's NOT this Spooky

Daffodils Touch the Sky

Amazing shot from the ground up

Reds Pond Negative Reflection

Red's Pond in Marblehead, Massachusetts just before dusk.

Personal Reflection

Photoplay Artwork Artist Self-Reflection.

Sharky's Fishing Pier

Venice Beach Florida at Sharky's Restaurant,

Till the End

Mixed Media, barren tree on painted canvas

Raft at Rest Gulf of Mexico

Surfers gone for a drink and left their surfboard.

Banana Space

Abstract on acrylic Bananas hanging.

A Sign of Hope

Christmas Eve in Marblehead, Massachusetts. A sign of hope

Wild Pink Color Tree

Busch Garden's caught natures foreplay.

V in Twilight

Wild shades of Blue with distinctive V-shape on acrylic and canvas.

Dew Drop Tulip

Most divine shot of dew atop this yellow tulip in New England

Fall Vines

Foliage in New England

Fluorescent Colors

Technigue and design mixed multi-colored fluorescent.

Path to Peaceful

Cabin in the White Mountains New Hampshire on a quiet country road


Abstract in heavy layers, numerous colors and techniques with palette knife

One Small Step

Great shots and mixed media acrylic on canvas

Ballerina in the Clouds

Water spray on tri-colors and hand turn design. Acrylic over canvas

Peace at the Pump

If only we found PEACE everywhere

Two for One Pelicans

Caught at Venice South Jetty, Venice, Florida


Multi-layered abstract with more than 15 colors and smiling dolphin design

Lime Sprouts

Water spray with mixed colors on canvas abstract

Beautiful Sides of Negativity

Orchid caught by Negative design

Swallowed in the Storm

Kennebunkport Maine home lost in hurricane size storm

Eyeball Streetlight

Marblehead old-fashioned street light in New England

It's so pretty by the sea

Acrylic over gesso and canvas of storm and seascape

Negative Tiki

What happens under the Tiki, stays at the Tiki. Even as a negative

Reflective Artistry

Artist Self-collage in reflected water

We had the Moon Texan

Love affair gone south to Texas among the yellow roses

Kangaroo Puppy

Livvy asleep upside down on my lap. I never knew she had such ears!

South Jetty Waterbirds

Seascape of Venice Jetty and its beautiful waterbirds

Calyque my Baby Girl

So cute as a baby and one of a kind. Such a sweet little, playful soul

Underwater Gator

Busch Gardens and alligators and crocodiles

Totally Lost in Love with Color

Sharks tooth and sweatshirt. All time favorites

Calpyso Sky

Rock-edged abstract Acrylic over gesso on canvas. Colors of blue, green, gray and while

Sunset Harbor

Taken in Swampscott, Massachusetts looking toward Boston skyline

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