Dare we believe an artist falls into creating a piece of artwork, or photograph and it becomes part of their soul? I do as mesmerizing in individual artistry, touches mine. As an artist, I bring an existence into the world itself and by doing so, I realize I am a complex being of mystery and what I create will be unique in form and not be the same as any others. Art can rise or fall even falter yet survive its artistry depending on a personal vision in the mind. I see this as rich and exquisite display by hand and fate in the Art World.
Inside my heart, it is a beating entity of colors and contrast as an abstract or photograph. Art becomes alive as part of its own invention. As does my artwork, its newly born and walks through a content heart, falling into oblivion; maturity and becomes part of my soul's imagination. I fully understand the perspective of an individual art piece, I visualize until completion through my eyes until finally, I feel ready to share a creation with others. I admit, sometimes I am patient, anxious even apprehensive to find if those who search through my gallery, see something similar or totally different in each piece.
'Iceland'' Abstract Painting $265.00

'Mesmerizing Clarity' Abstract Painting $265.00

'Crystal Clear'

'Sand Child'

What makes perspective come alive in each of us? Is it enlightenment or raw talent? I find its both when I create images and paintings In my photograph the beauty is already there on a given moment, created by the great Master of all time. I am gifted that I am given the rapture of capturing the one moment for those who wish to gaze into the images that come alive for me behind the camera. In my painting, life comes to me, no matter what the canvas holds.
Till another time..